My Bibi Box

Comfort for  your Menopause Moments!


What We Do

My Bibi Box is a monthly subscription service that provides carefully curated luxurious natural products to help women experiencing the symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause. Each month we will send you a product for your specific concern. In addition, we will include four items to nurture and uplift you. My Bibi Box  also provides information about menopause and natural products that can foster comfort during your Menopause Moments!

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Our Name

When deciding on a name for the box, we wanted something that was both unique and meaningful. While looking for other names for "woman" we came across "Bibi" and thought that it was cute and friendly. Then we discovered that in some cultures Bibi meant "a treasured woman". This was perfect! We believe that women at this stage of their lives are to be especially treasured. So the name "My Bibi Box" was born.

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Our Mission

We are determined to improve the lives of women by helping them through the discomfort of Menopause. We seek to financially uplift women by sourcing products from women-owned business as much as possible. We will help low-income women by gifting a one-month subscription of My Bibi Box to a woman for every TWENTY subscriptions sold. We conduct business in an ethical manner and expect our business partners to do the same.

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